Aquí puedes encontrar las respuestas a preguntas acerca de cómo funcionan los foros. Utiliza los enlaces de abajo o las opciones de búsqueda de arriba para buscar la ayuda que necesitas.
Entries that you wish to create now but have them become publicly available at a later time are referred to as Pending Entries. To create a pending entry, create an entry as normal but before submitting the entry, find Publish Status in the Miscellaneous Options on the lower section of the entry creation page. This option defaults to Publish Now.
Change Publish Now to Publish On and then choose the date and time that you wish for the entry to go live. Due to the architecture, pending entries can appear a few minutes later than the time that you specify but they will have a time stamp that matches the date and time that you choose.
Your Pending and Draft entries are only viewable by you until they are published.
Entradas borradores te permite componer entradas en etapas. Para crear una entrada borrador, crea una entrada normalmente pero antes de someter la entrada, busca Estado de Publicación en Otras Opciones en la sección inferior de la creación de entrada de la página. Esta opción tiene predeterminado Publicar Ahora.
Cambia Publicar Ahora a Borrador de Entrada de Blog y después Guardar Borrador. Alternativamente, puede presionar el botón Guardar Borrador en cualquier momento.
Tus Entradas Pendientes y Borradores solo pueden ser revisados por ti hasta que son publicados.
You may also post entries that have a time stamp in the past. This is useful for those entries that you just forgot to post and they work best in chronological order.
To past date an entry, create an entry as normal but before submitting the entry, find Publish Status in the Miscellaneous Options on the lower section of the entry creation page. This option defaults to Publish Now.
Change Publish Now to Publish On and then choose the date and time that you wish for the entry to appear to have been posted. If you select a date in the future, you will be creating a Pending Entry.